Australia - War and recovery: 1940-1957.
Ordinary rate delivery form: AW-DO-10 (52).

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: 1952 printing: Form number T.G. 42.
Standard heading above TELEGRAM.
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on cream.
Size of form overall: Various.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
10A AW-DO-10A (52).

Burnie, Tas for local delivery.
(6 January 1954).


  • right hand box starts above "d" of LODGEMENT;
  • size of form is
    127 × 201 mm;
  • T/C/B starts 3 mm to right of right box;
  • top of COMMONWEALTH is above the top of the boxes;
  • "No. (of words)" starts under T of TELEGRAM.
AW-DO-10C 52

AW-DO-10C (52).

Toodyay to Perth
4 October 1955.


  • printed in black;
  • letters in TELEGRAM are spaced more widely;
  • the schedule numberis in one line.
10E AW-DO-10D (52).

Burnie, Tas for local delivery.
(6 January 1954).


  • no full stop after C in the schedule number;
  • "No. (of words)" starts under T of TELEGRAM.
  • G in TELEGRAM has only a short horizontal bar.
AW-DO-10E (52).

Yarra Junction to Launching Place, Vic
9 March 1955.


  • has a full stop after C on the schedule number;
  • "No. (of words)" starts under space between TE of TELEGRAM;
  • G in TELEGRAM has short horizontal and vertical bars.


AW-DO-10F (52).

Annamdale to Clifton
15 August 1955.


  • Form Number T.G.42 is in bold font;
  • 4th line in left box finishes with "at"full stop after C in the schedule number;
  • "No. (of words)" starts under E of TELEGRAM;
  • G in TELEGRAM has only a short horizontal bar.


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-10A (52) Sch. C.6776 - 9/52.   C
DO-10C (52) Sch. C.6776 - 9/52. 4 October 1955 at CTO Perth. C
DO-10D (52) Sch. C.6776 - 9/52. 6 January 1954 at T.O. Burnie, Tas. C
DO-10E (52) Sch. C.6776 - 9/52. 29 March 1955 at Launching Place, Vic. C
DO-10F (52) Sch. C.6776 - 9/52. 15 Aufgust 1955 at Clifton, Qld. NC

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