Printed in black on blue-grey paper. Has straight heading at top with crest in centre. |
Printed in black on grey paper. Has curved heading. Has no boxes on the front in which to record the message. |
Printed in black on grey paper. Has curved heading. Has boxes numbered on front at left to 45. |
Has curved heading. Design as for NC-DO-3 but form has been printed in red on mid-blue paper. |
NC-DO-5. Has a straight line heading |
NC-DO-6. Printed in orange-red on blue paper. Wavy heading. Has 25 boxes on front. No message with the words "You are requested ..." at the base of the "Telegram from" box.
Printed in red on blue paper. Wavy heading. Has 40 boxes on the front. A message at the base of the "Telegram from" box "You are requested ..." appears on some of these forms. |
Heading is NEW SOUTH WALES ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Printed in red on yellow paper. Has boxes on front numbered to 40. |
Heading is NEW SOUTH WALES ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH and the top of this form is identical to that of NC-DO-8. Printed in red on yellow paper. Has boxes on front numbered on both sides to 35. |
Heading changed to Has 35 boxes on the front numbered on the left side only and up to 110 or then 100 on reverse side. No Regulations on reverse side. |
Form has a landscape format. Message area is blank. |