Western Australia.
Telegraph Offices - Perth suburban.


The Telegraph Office in suburban Perth included on this page are:

Aberdeen Street Armadale Bassendean Bayswater   Blackboy Hill
Brisbane Street Burswood Claremont Cottesloe Gosnells Guilford
  Hay Street East Helena Vale Leederville Marylands Midland Junction
Mount Lawley Mundijong Mundaring North Perth Nedlands Palace Hotel
  South Perth Subiaco Victoria Park Victoria Park East West Leederville


Aberdeen Street.

The Post & Telegraph Office was opened on 1 April 1898 upon the change of name from Perth North West.

The latter had been opened as a Post & Telegraph Office on 14 August 1894.

The Office was issued with an RO7 - P&TO oval date stamp about 1904.

A Post & Telegraph Office was opened on 1 September 1898.


Armadale Post & Telegraph Office about 1950.

Two formats of rubber oval date stamp were issued to the office.

A rubber oval POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp

Used in black: 1 July 1899.

Size: 27 × 44 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

1 July 1899.

Used in violet: 5 July 1899, 5 October 1899
and 12 February 1900.

Size: 27 × 44 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 3.

5 October 1899.
12 February 1900.
  1. A rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RO2-TO):

Used in violet: 18 April 1964.

Size: 30 × 49 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

18 April 1964.
Used on AA-DO-13B.
Form kindly supplied by Malcolm Brown, WA.

Was originally known as West Guilford and the change of name was gazetted in 1922.

A Receiving Office was opened at West Guilford on 15 January 1906 which was changed to an Administrative Office on 3 December 1906.

The Office was issued with two rubber Post & Telegraph Office date stamps:

1. Post & Telegraph date stamp (RO6-P&TO):

Used in violet: 11 (?) February 1928.

Size: 29 × 45 mm (e = 0.76).

Rated: RRRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.
(not recorded elsewhere).

11 February 1928.

Used on AB-DO-3D.
ACE Auctions July 2020, Lot 1150.

2. Post & Telegraph date stamp (RO7-P&TO):

Used in violet: 15 September 1934.

Size: 31 × 52 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 3.
(not recorded elsewhere).

15 September 1934.

Used on AB-GCF-34A.
ACE Auction July 2018, Lot 961.
A second (no day) was in ACE Auction 12 July 2021 Lot 1139.

  1. Telegraph date stamp (RO2-T):

Used in violet: 23 March 1965.

Size: 32 × 52 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

23 March 1965.

A Receiver of Mail Bags was established at Bayswater on 1 January 1895. This was upgraded to a Post & Telegraph Office on 1 August 1898. In 1 September 1904, the Office was downgraded to an Allowance Office.

A rubber oval date stamp (RO2-P&TO) was issued to the Office for use with telegraphs:

Used in blue: 21 February 1905 (?).
If this date is true, the date stamp would have been used
after the transfer to being an Allowance Office.

Size: 29 × 45 mm (e = 0.76).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.


21 February 1905(?).

Blackboy Hill.

A Post & Telegraph Office was opened at Blackboy Hill on 29 August 1914 and it was closed on 30 November 1918. It was again reopened on 1 March 1929 but renamed Greenmount Hill on 1 November 1932.

The site was used as a military training camp due the troop buildup of World War 1. In following years the camp was used as an isolation hospital for treating people with the Spanish flu and, during the 1930s, to accommodate unemployed relief workers.

Blackboy Hill was named after the famous and wonderful Australian native black boy plants - Xanthorrhoea preissii - which once dominated the area.

PS: See also Tit-Bit #7.

A rubber oval Post & Telegraph Office date stamp (RO7-P&TO) was issued to the office:

Used in blue: 30 October 1914 (about 2 months after opening).

Size: 25 × 48 mm (e = 0.85).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

30 October 1914 - about two months after the P&T Office opened.

ACE Stamp Auctions:
November 2010, Lot 597 and July 2018, Lot 886..

Brisbane Street.

Perth North, which had been opened as a Post & Telegraph Office on 14 August 1894, changed name on 1 April 1898 to Brisbane Street.

No date stamp is recorded for either office for use with telegraphs.


Burswood is close to Victoria Park.

It was the home of Australia's first nine-hole gold course - built in 1895. After closing andd then relocating, the name was altered slightly to Royal Perth Golf Club. A new course was constructed in 1987 but closed again to construct the Perth Stadium.

A racecourse was also built there in 1895.

In addition to all that, the Telegraph Office at Burswood was apparently issued with an RO7-P&TO rubber date stamp which might have been used in 1915.



A rubber oval Telegraph Office date stamp (RO2-TO) was used at Claremont.

Used in violet: 1 March 1963.

Size: 29 × 49 mm (e = 0.81).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1 (not elsewhere recorded).

1 March 1963.
Used on AW-EC-2.
A rubber oval Telegraph Office date stamp (RO5-TO) was used at Claremont.

Used in violet: 27 July 1971 and on 13 March 1973.

Size: 29 × 45 mm (e = 0.76).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2 (not elsewhere recorded).

The triple oval format (RO5-TO) is the only known example of this format used for a date stamp for a Telegraph Office.

27 July 1971.
Used on AA-DO-13D.

An Office at the Claremont Showground was issued with two types of Telegraph date stamps:

  1. about 1905 - a RO6-TO Claremont Showground date stamp (rated RRRR);
  2. about 1920 - a RO7-P&TO Claremont Showground date stamp (rated RRRR);

A Receiving Office was opened at Cottesloe in October 1894. It was upgraded to a Post & Telegraph Office on 22 November 1897.

At least five types of date stamps appear to have been issued to Cottesloe for telegram use:

  1. RO6 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 19 September 1904.

Size: 26 × 44 mm (e = 0.81).

Rating: RRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

19 September 1899.
Used on a Lands Department OHMS cover sent from Perth on 15 September 1899.
It finally reached the Dead Letter Office on 20 October 1899.
  1. RO7 - P&TO.
    Date has month before day and a stop after the day.

Used in violet: 27 July 1909.

Size: 24 × 42 mm (e = 0.82).

Rating: RR.

Number in the Census: 1.

27 July 1909.
  1. RO2 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 13 July 1944 to 12 September 1944 (possibly to 1959).

Size: 31 × 52 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RR.

Number in the Census: 2.

12 September 1944.
Used on AW-DO-10D (43).
  1. RO7 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 5 November 1931 to 25 November 1936.

Size: 27 × 44 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRR.

Number in the Census: 3.

5 November 1931 - in blue.
Used on AB-DO-8F.
  1. RO7 - P&TO.
    Inner line is less scalloped and year extends beyond. Has a stop after Cottesloe (spans 18 mm).

Used in violet: 7 February 1938.

Size: 26 × 44 mm (e = 0.81).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

7 February 1938 - in violet.
Used on Social Telegram AB-GSF-36.



An oval rubber date stamp (RO2 - P&TO) was issued to the Office. It is not recorded elsewhere although there is a reference to a date stamp with Telegraph Section.

Used in violet: 15 December 1958.
Date line is inverted.

Size: 30 × 56 mm (e = 0.84).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2.

15 December 1958.
Used on a CONGRATULATIONS delivery form (AW-GC-54B) to Mr. & Mrs. Troode - probably for their wedding.
15 December 1958.
Used on a CONGRATULATIONS delivery form (AW-GC-54B) to
Miss J. Dowson "Wising you both happiness today and always".
Form kindly supplied by Malcolm Brown, WA.


The Perth-Guildford line was opened on 23 December 1871. It was not, however, until 6 August 1873, that the Perth Inquirer could report that "the new Post and Telegraph offices were opened on Saturday the 2nd instant. The building being close to the Court House, in the centre of the town, is much more convenient than formerly and provides very suitable offices and living-rooms for the Postmaster. In addition to these improvements, other arrangements now made will afford further benefits and facilities to the public". It was a starting point for the telegraph line along the coast to the south.

A Post Office had been opened 22 February 1835. Guildford was one of three towns established in 1829 soon after Western Australia was settled.

Guilford Post & Telegraph Office about 1950.
Telegram use:

The earliest recorded telegram form used at Guilford is the remarkable transmission form WC-TO-3B posted to Guilford from Perth on 14 September 1894.


September 1876: Mr. E. W. Snook took a mail cart to Guilford from Perth to relieve the Postmistress.

May 1891: Mr. J. Horrigan was promoted to be the first Postmaster and Telegraphist at Greenbushes and Mr. N. Gilchrist was appointed Post and Telegraph Assistant to replace him.

September 1894: Mr. R. Williams to be assistant at Guildford;

Three rubber oval date stamps for use with telegraph matters are known to have been issued to Guilford:
  1. A rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RO6-TO):

Used in violet: 23 December 1896 - 20 December 1897.

Size: 26 × 42 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in Census: 2.

Guilford RO6
23 December 1896.
Used on WC-DO-4Ca with delivery envelope.
  1. A rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RO7-TO):

Used in blue: 18 October 1903.

Size: 30 × 49 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in Census: 1.
(Not recorded elsewhere).


19 October 1903.
On a Office of Titles OHMS cover sent from Perth on 5 September 1903 to Ellens Brook but arriving at the Dead Letter Office on30 October 1903.
  1. A rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RO7-TO):

Used inviolet: 15 October 1975.

Size: 30 × 49 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in Census: 1.
(Not recorded elsewhere).

15 October 1975.

A postal date stamp was used at Guilford on a very special item -- a transmission form which had been posted from Perth to Guilford.

This form (WC-TO-3B) is the only Western Australian form recorded as having been posted.

14 September 1898.

Hay Street East.

Opened as a Post & Telegraph Office on 1 April 1898 when Perth East was renamed. The latter had been opened as a Post & Telegraph Office on 10 June 1895.

No date stamp is recorded for either office for use with telegraphs.


The Telegraph Office was opened on 11 September 1897.

Another Post & Telegraph Office was opened at West Leederville.

Leederville Post & Telegraph Office about 1940

Seven formats for date stamps were issued for use with telegrams at Leederville:
  1. RO7 - P&TO.

Used in green: 17 December 1908.

Size: 29 × 48 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

17 December 1908 .
Used on a well marked cover from Perth to Leederville to the Dead Letter Office.

  1. RO7 - P&TO.

Used in blue: 8 June 1910.

Size: 25 × 49 mm (e = 0.86).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

8 June 1910.
On piece of envelope with UNKNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER.
  1. RO6 - P&TO.

Used: about 1912.
Perhaps this format was continued to the 1940s but no size is known for the 1912 version to enable a comparison.

Rated: RRRR.



  1. RO4 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 7 June 1912 to 1917.

Size: 29 × 43 mm
(e = 0.77).

Rated: RRR.

Number in the Census: 2.


7 June 1912.

Used in blue:
23 December 1913 and
17 July 1915.

Size: 29 × 43 mm
(e = 0.77).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2.

23 December 1913.

17 July 1915.
The ink is faded but it appears more likely blue than voilet.

Used in violet:
15 October 1915.

Size: 28 × 44 mm
(e = 0.77).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

15 October 1915.

Used on the reverse side of a large registered cover sent from Apia, Samoa on 14 September 1915 to Subiaco and redirected to Leederville.

Has unframed PASSED BT CENSOR handstamp in black

The postage charge was paid with six single New Zealand stamps overprinted SAMOA in black (3) or red (3).

Used in red:
23 March 1918 and
12 June 1918.

Size: 28 × 44 mm(e = 0.77).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2.

12 June 1918.
Leder RO4 Front
23 March 1918.
Two strikes of an RO4-P&TO date stamp in red.

Provenance: Arthur Gray.
Mossgreen October 2016, Lot 263.

Reverse side of the above cover showing a third impression of the RO4-P&TO.
  1. RO6 - P&TO.

Used in violet : 30 March 1940 to
24 November 1943.

Size: 24 × 41 mm (e = 0.81).

Rated RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2.

30 March 1940.

Used on AB-DU-8A.


24 November 1943.

Used on AB-DU-9Gb.

  1. RO2 - TO.

Used in violet: 3 August 1946
(only recorded example).

Size: 31 × 47 mm (e = 0.75).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

3 August 1946.
Used on AB-DU-10Ab (44).
  1. RRH1 - P&TO.

Used: 1975-83.

Rated: RRR.


The Official Post & Telegraph Office opened on
30 April 1910.

Maylands Post & Telegraph Office about 1940.
Four formats were used at Maylands for oval date stamps issued for telegraphs:
  1. RO4 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 11 November 1915 to 13 December 1915.

Size: 25 × 42 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2

Maylands 1915
11 November 1915.
Premier Auctions May 1916.

May 13 Dec
13 December 1915.

RO4 - P&TO.

Used in green: 21 July 1915.

Size: 25 × 42 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

  1. RO7 - P&TO.

Size: 37 × 43 mm (e = 0.51).

Used: about 1924

Rated: RRRR.

  1. RO4 - P&TO.

Size: 35 × 42 mm (e = 0.55).

Used: about 1945

Rated: RRRR.

  1. RO2 - P&T.


Used: 1975 to 1977.

Rated: RR.


Midland Junction (Helena Vale).

A Post Office was opened at Midland Junction on 1 May 1895. It was renamed Helena Vale in 1896. A Post & Telegraph Office was opened at Helena Vale on 12 April 1897 which then was renamed back to Midland Junction on 1 January 1901.

That opening was not however without its drama. On 8 Februry 1897, the West Australian reported:

"Grievous complaints are being made as to the manner in which the Midland Junction district is being treated, or rather not treated, by the Government. Nearly twelve months ago the Helena Vale Council (which is the corporate body at Midland Junction) waited on the Premier and requested that a Post and Telegraph office be established at Midland Junction, and that letters be delivered by a carrier instead of people having to call at the temporary office for their letters; also that a Telegraph Office and Money Order Office be opened.Up to the present, nothing seems to have been done in the matter and the inhabitants who wish to send a telegram or a money order or to transact any other business, save buying stamps or posting a letter, have to travel two miles to Guildford, the nearest available station for miles".


July 1895: Mrs. E. J. Harvey was appointed Postmistress (FYI as it was before the telegraph was connected).

August 1896: Mr. E. W. Ketsch was appointed Stationmaster.

Midland Junction Post & Telegraph Office about 1910.
Two rubber date stamps were issued to the Offices - one under each name:
  1. At Helena Vale: A rubber oval Post and Telegraph Office (RO7-P&TO) date stamp.



Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census:

  1. At Midland Junction: A rubber oval Post & Telegraph Office
    (RO6 - P&TO) date stamp. No side arcs.

Used in purple: December 1901, 5 February and 25 March 1902
and 28 January 1905.

Size: 29 × 50 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 4.


December 1901.
Used on an L shaped block of 4 2d Swans.

5 February 1902.
Provenance: Pope.

25 March 1902.

Used on a block of 8 2d yellow Swans
with watermark W Crown A and perf 14.

28 January 1905.
  1. At Midland Junction: A rubber oval Post & Telegraph Office
    (RO6 - P&TO) date stamp. This format has separation dots at each end.

Used in violet: 15 September 1934.

Size: 29 × 49 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

RO6 1935 detail
RO6 1934 form
Midland Junction RO6-P&TO on Congratulations Ornamental delivery form AB-GC-34A.
Mount Lawley.

A Post & Telegraph Office was opened in 1909.



It appears as if three formats for rubber oval date stamps were issued to the Mt. Lawley office:

Mount Lawley Post & Telegraph Office about 1950.
  1. an RO7-P&TO oval date stamp.
    Unusually has month then day.
    Letters are very round.

Used in violet: 17 September to 24 December 1927.

Size: 31 × 49 mm (e = 0.77).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 3.

17 September 1927.
  Lawley Dec
24 December 1927.
  1. an RO2-TO used about 1944.

Size: 31 × 51 mm (e = 0.79).

Used: 12 April 1943 to 22 December 1944.

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 3.

12 April 1943.

Used on AW-DO-9Gb.

22 December 1944.

Used on AW-DO-10A (43).

  1. an RO2-T used about 1950.

Rated: RRRR.



A Post and Telegraph Office was opened in Mundaring on 24 October 1899.

Mundaring Post & Telegraph Office.


In the south east section of Suburban Perth, the location at the junction of the Rockingham-Jarrahdale rail line had previously been called Jarrahdale Junction. It than change name to Manjedal and then to Mundijong in about 1898.

A Post & Telegraph Office was opened in about 1897 but then downgraded progressively until it became an Allowance Office in 1906.

Two rubber oval date stamps appear to have been issued to the office for use with telegraphic matters:

1. A rubber oval RO6-P&T on the transfer from Manjedal.

No details known.


2. A rubber oval RO7-P&T.

Used in violet: 10 January 1905
(allegedly 1898-1906).

Size: 25 × 41 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

18 January 1905.

North Perth.

In the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday 31 July 1894, the Colonial Treasurer stated that Post and Telegraph Offices would be shortly established at North Perth and East Perth.

In the Legislative Assembly on 24 September 1895, in answer about facilities at North Perth from Mr. Wood, "The PREMIER (Hon. Sir J. Forest) replied that the Postal Department had been endeavoring to give accommodation to North Perth but, up to the present time, had been unable to secure a building suitable for a Post and Telegraph office. It was intended to build an office, but, in the meantime, a pillar box would be erected on a convenient site".

North Perth was established as an Allowance Office on 1 December 1902. In 1903, it became a Receiving Office located on Angove Street. It became an Official Office in October 1912. The date stamp shows clearly the Office was a Post & Telegraph Office before either of those designations.

Even so, it appears that planning for a Post Office really started in May 1905 when an architect - Michael Cavanagh - agreed to sell a block of land opposite the new North Perth Town Hall to the Post Master General’s Department. Despite that initiative, the Post-Master General was quoted in The West Australian in July 1909 maintaining that the creation of a Post Office for North Perth was not yet required:

“The suburb is certainly extending rapidly, but it is at present very scattered, and can, in my opinion, be better served by two or three allowance offices until more closely settled.”

In 1916, the North Perth Post Office and its attached postmaster/postmistress residence was finally constructed. Designed by architect Hillson Beasley, the new building cost £1,720.

Date stamps.

It was considered in some sources that North Perth had been issued with a rubber oval date stamp for use with telegraph matters but no details of the design were previously recorded.

Two types of oval date stamps for use with telegraphs are now known.

  1. RO7 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 15 March 1898.

Size: 25 × 42.5 mm (e = 0.81).

Rated: RRRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

15 March 1898.
Only known example.
  1. RO6 - P&TO.

Used in violet: 20 April 1936.

Size: 29.5 × 49 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.


20 April 1936.
Only known example.

Palace Hotel.

The Palace Hotel was a three storey building constructed in 1897 on the corner of St Georges Terrace and William Street in Perth. It was described as being "... one of the most beautiful and elegant hotels in Australasia".

Its central position made it an important landmark in Perth. Many commercial travellers used the Palace Hotel as a base. The need for a communications centre was readily appreciated and a Post & Telegraph Office was opened almost immediately - on 8 July 1897.

A rubber oval date stamp (RO6-P&TO) was issued to the Office.

Used: 1900s

Size: ??

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1 (part).

15 November 0?.

Perth Railway Station.

"An improvement of a most important character, and one which will certainly be appreciated, is now being carried out at the Perth Central Station. This consists in the provision of a commodious Post and Telegraph Office in the room formerly used as the parcels office. It is expected that the Post Office will be opened in about a week or 10 days, and we understand that it will be used for all classes of postal and telegraphic business" (West Australian 9 January 1897).

The Office opened in 1 March 1897.

It appears as if the Office was issued with an oval rubber date stamp. The fromat was RO6-P&TO and there is a reference in Goulder to a possible date of 1902. If the date stamp does exist, it would be very rare.

No special date stamp for Telegraphs appears to have been issued to Nedlands.

South Perth.

The Post & Telegraph Office was opened on 7 November 1898 and was renamed Mends Street on 10 July 1939.

On 19 June 1900, the West Australian reported that:

"The progressive suburb of South Perth has attained such a decree of prosperity in the eyes of the Colonial Secretary and the other dignitaries controlling the Postal and Telegraph Department that it is to be improved and, it is to be hoped, benefited by the erection of a Post and Telegraph office.

As to the most convenient locality for the site of the new building, there is much diversity of opinion. Mr. Randell and his officers, however, have settled the matter in their own minds and the resultant effect is that today tenders are due for the erection of a building contiguous to the Mends Street jetty, the recreation reserve and the Zoological Gardens.

For some time the business of the department has been carried on in premises connected with the Windsor Hotel. Those of the residents whose domiciles are beyond the regulation one mile radius have suffered the extra charge for delivery of telegrams with a resignation born of the thought that the arrangement was but a temporary one. Wrathfully, they have declaimed against a permanent disability in the direction named, a disability which, they state, is but slight as compared with the fact that for the receipt of their letters they are forced to depend upon the good nature of a grocer in their midst who, it is averred, takes delivery and distributes the letters, etc. as they are called for.

They have urged upon the Colonial Secretary their claims for consideration and the erection of the new post office at a spot more centrally situated, but without avail - Mr. Randell declaring against them.

As a last protest they held a meeting last evening under the shelter of the verandah of a vacant shop near the Coode Street jetty and about 50 gentlemen assembled. Mr. Manning, the Chairman of the local Roads Board, conducted the meeting which was unanimously of the opinion that a last effort should be made to secure their object. It was asserted that the majority of the residents were located on the east side of the Zoological Gardens, and that, in addition, most of those residents at "The Point," in a spirit of fairness, agreed that what they were urging was but right and just. Much discussion as to the next move was indulged in, but it was eventually decided, in the words of one of the speakers, "to give Mr. Randell one more chance." Should he not avail himself of that chance and persist in the erection of the building on the site he has already decided upon, the oppositionists will, one of them declared, "jump over his head," and approach the Premier with a deputation armed with a petition. A deputation was appointed to this end".


Three types of rubber oval date stamp were issued to the South Perth Telegraph Office:
  1. a RO4 - P&TO.

Size: 28 × 43 mm (e = 0.76).

Usage: 29 September 1914 to 29 July 1915.

Rated: RRRR (not elsewhere recorded).

Number in the Census: 2.

29 September 1914.
29 July 1915.
  1. a RO2 - P&TO.


Usage: 17 March 1943..

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

17 March 1943.
Used on AW-DU-10.

Image kindly supplied by Malcolm Brown of WA.

  1. a RO2 - T


Usage: issued about 1961.

Rated: RR.


On 6th August 1897, the Western Mail reported that:

"There seems to be a possibility of the recent fire at the Subiaco School causing, indirectly, a postponement of the erection of the permanent Post and Telegraph office at the corner of Bagot Street and Rokeby Road. Owing to the destruction of the school premises, the Education Department found it necessary to open school in the old school buildings, which are situated on a portion of the corner block which the Minister has set apart for postal purposes. Mr. Lefroy is afraid that, though the old school buildings are not on the actual site of the new Post Office, they are sufficiently near as to render it impossible to successfully continue the school during the progress of building operations. The Department is hopeful that some arrangement can be made with the contractor for the erection of the post-office to defer beginning the work for some time, possibly until the school has been rebuilt".

Nevertheless it seems that the Telegraph Office had been opened for business on 15 July 1897.

Three formats for date stamps for telegraph purposes are recorded:

  1. a rubber oval Post and Telegraph Office (RO7 - P&T:

Used in violet: 29 December 1898 and 17 May 1900.
Used in blue: 19 January 1899.

Size: 24 × 41 mm (e = 0.81).

Rated: RRRR.

29 December 1898 - used in violet.
Note: These two date stamps were both used on the same Land Titles OHMS cover from Perth to Subiaco but redirected to the Dead Letter Office 21 January 1899.
19 January 1899 - used in blue.
17 May 1900 - in violet.
  1. a rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE (RO6 - TO):

Used in violet: 14 March 1936.

Size: 30 × 50 mm (e = 0.8).

Rated: RRRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

14 March 1936.
Used on AB-DO-8F.
Advertisement on reverse is for "The Prompt Delivery ..."
Form also has a S/L SUBIACO in "TO" section.

Lower inscription has SUBIACO without W.A.
Form kindly supplied by Malcolm Brown, WA.

  1. a rubber oval Post and Telegraph Office (RO6 - P&TO) used in violet.

Used: 28 January 1954 to 29 December 1956.

Size: 30 × 55 mm (e = 0.84).

Rated: RRR.

Number in the Census: 6.

Subiaco 1954
28 January 1954.
Used on AW-DO-10BB (50).
  Subi 1956
29 December 1956.
Used on AW-GCF-59B.
Victoria Park.

A Post & Telegraph Office was opened on 1 December 1898. It was downgraded to an Allowance Office on 1 September 1904. It became an Official Office on 24 December 1912.


Victoria Park about 1950.

Six date stamps are recorded for use with telegraphs at Victoria Park. Five of these were rubber and one appears to be steel. One of the rubber date stamp was inscribed POST OFFICE.
  1. RO2-P&TO.
    (lower inscription is Victoria Park, W.A.).

Used in violet: 30 May 1901 - 11 Seotember 1901.

Size: 25 × 41 mm (e = 0.79).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 2.

30 May 1901.
On OHMS cover covered in handstamps and date stamps before arriving at the Dead Letter Office on 13 July 1901.
11 September 1901.
On OHMS cover covered in handstamps and date stamps before arriving at the Dead Letter Office on 25 October 1901. It resumed its travels - this time to NSW - in August 2023.
  1. RO7-P&TO.

Used about 1912.

Rated: RRRR.

  1. RO6-P&TO
    (lower inscription is Victoria Park).

Used in violet 18 March 1939.

Size: 31 × 52 mm (e = 0.80).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

18 March 1939.
Used on Congratulations form GCF-34B.
  1. RO2-TO.
    (lower inscription is Victoria Park).

Used in violet: 22 October 1949.

Size: 30 × 57 mm (e = 0.85).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

Vic Park 1949
22 October 1949.
  1. SC1-Telegraphs.
    Known with large and small date lines.

Used: 5 March 1965..

Diameter: 31 mm.

Rated: RRRR.

Nuber in the Census: 1.

5 March 1965.
Used on AA-DO-13D.
Image kindly supplied by Malcolm Brown W.A.

6. RO7 - PO.
(lower inscription is Victoria Park).

This date stamp was used on telegrams.

Used on a telegram: 8 January 1931.

Size: 29 × 40 mm (e = 0,69).

Rated (used on a telegram: RRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

8 January 1931.
Used on AB-DO-6Aa.

Victoria Park East.

No details available.


Victoria Park East Post Office about 1950.
West Leederville.

A Post & Telegraph Office was opened but no details are known.

A rubber oval Post & Telegraph Office (RO7-P&TO) date stamp was issued to the office.

Used in violet: 26 May 1947.

Size: 31 × 53 mm (e = 0.81).

Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

West Leder 1947
26 May 1947.