There were several early proposals made as to what route might be the best for telegraphic connection from India to Australia.
One strategy, described by McGowan, was based on a very early proposal - in 1854 - by two entrepreneurs Brett and Carmichael. Their proposal was well developed and they even opened discussions with Colonial Australian Governments. They suggested constructing a submarine cable through the Mediterranean and the Red Sea then across to Ceylon and down probably to Western Australia where the Colonial mails first landed.
Actions to implement the Brett-Carmichael proposal were commenced but soon abandoned when it encountered major difficulties during the laying of the cable across the Mediterranean Sea. During several difficult times, the constructors lost three lengths of cable between Sardinia and Cape Bon which totalled 233 miles of cable. Cost to manufacture that cable was about £500 per mile !!!!
A subsequent cable was laid but failed when the insulation was found to be faulty.
The possibilities of this route were still being canvassed when the Anglo-Australian Telegraph Company was formed in January 1870 through the proposal to lay a submarine cable from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to Western Australia and then another submarine cable to Adelaide.
![]() Map prepared by Alan Metcalf showing both the land and the cable routes from London to Bombay and thence to Perth and Adelaide. Date of this original not known but probably in 1870. |
![]() Detail of the above map showing the Australian details. |
Other routes suggested about this time - some proposed by Mr. Gisborne from the Eastern Telegraph group of companies - lead more directly through the north of Australia. Insight into the potential of the Western Australia route especially in comparison with routes through Queensland is contained in a letter from McGowan and published in the Geelong Advertiser of 4 August 1859 (p. 2):
"Department of Electric Telegraph,
Office of General Superintendent,
Melbourne, July 21.
Sir, Owing to the late period at which the papers relative to Mr. Francis Gisborne's proposition on behalf of the promoters of the India and Australia telegraphic communication have reached my hands, I find that my almost immediate departure with the Bass's Straits cable laying expedition will preclude my entering into the details of the subject so extendedly as I could have wished or from affording to it the lengthened consideration which its obvious importance clearly demands.
My views have hitherto been altogether in favor of a connection with India and Europe via King George's Sound and Western Australia as proposed by Sir J. Carmichael and Mr Brett (both gentlemen of large experience in connection with the development of submarine telegraphs); and, without conceding that there is anything in Mr. Gisborne's proposition at all adverse to my previously expressed opinion as to the practicability and manifest utility of a telegraph connection to the westward to act in unison with our existing mail contract, I would beg to state that the evidently well digested scheme of the promoters of the India and Australia telegraph appears to me as deserving of most earnest consideration.
Since the date of Mr Gisborne's communication of the 7th inst, I have had several personal conferences with that gentleman in which I have discussed with him most of the many important points involved in the detail of the project which he has brought forward and the result has been that the evidence presented is, in my opinion, strongly in favor of the route via Java and Singapore, subject at the same time to the several modifications which I have suggested and the necessity for which has been virtually admitted by Mr Gisborne.
In conclusion, I would beg to recommend that the government of Victoria should place itself in correspondence with the respective colonial governments of New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania with the view of eliciting their intentions as to any action proposed to be taken in reference to Mr. Gisborne's scheme.
I have the honor to be, S:c,
(Signed) Saml. W. MCGOWAN.
The Hon the Postmaster-General &c.
From the Victorian Chamber of Comerce: The plan of Mr Gisborne having been submitted to the committee, together with the above report of the Superintendent of Electric Telegraph Department to Government thereon, and the whole matter having had the careful consideration of the committee, it was resolved:
That this Chamber is of opinion that it is advisable to connect the colonies with England by telegraphic communication and, for that purpose, they would recommend the Government to take such steps as are necessary to carry out the said object in the most expeditious and practical manner.
The Secretary was instructed to forward a copy of the above resolution to the hon. the Postmaster General".
In his Report on Victoria for 1867, McGowan again described the strategy of extending the telegraph line from Port Augusta through Streaky Bay and Fowler's Bay to King George's Sound. Having telegraph communication possible between the east and western parts of Australia would significantly reduce the time for business and for news from England. McGowan's proposal was for the extended line to meet the mail steamers at King George's Sound but did not, in that context, envisage continuing the line of telegraph further.