Australia - International - Eastern Extension.
Delivery form: IAX-DO-4.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Message form No. 5/-174.
"The Eastern ... Limited" above reference in small type to Cable and Wireless.
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Red on cream.
Size of form overall: A and B: 220 × 214 mm;
C: 201 × 196 mm.
Size of datestamp box: 33 mm diameter.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

As is noted elsewhere, Cable & Wireless Ltd took over responsibility for all telegraphic services within the British Empire.
That involved a gradual change in the heading of forms and envelopes especially. The Via Imperial designation was also added to replace the Via Cable and Via Beam silent advertisements.

Printed in England in September 1935.

To Balwyn, Victoria
4 February 1936.


  • has / before the 174 in the top right corner;
  • font in heading is 5 mm high;
  • third line "Associated with ...." is in small text;
  • three lines of vertical text from lower left corner.

This form was the second printing of the delivery forms under the changed administration - the first being in September 1934 (see below).

Cable & Wireless Limited is included following the Eastern Extension heading and the new indicator Via Imperial - approved in April 1934 - has been added at the base.

It was presumably printed for use as single sheets;

Provenance: Dave Elsmore.

Ballymenapo to Melbourne
15 January 1939.


  • third line "Associated with ...." is in very small text;

Was sent at Letter Cable (LC) rate on 14 January at 10:15 am.

Printed in England in July 1938.

Auckland, NZ to Sydney.
6 November 1939.


  • has no / before the 174 in the top right corner;
  • printed for use in (3,000) pads;
  • font in heading is 3.75 mm high;
  • third line "Associated with ...." is in large text;
  • three lines of vertical text from lower left corner.
  • "Mark your Reply" shifted about 9 mm to left compared to form DO-2A.
DO-4CPrinted in England in June 1941. IAX-DO-4D.

To Brighton, Victoria
30 November 1943.


  • printed for use in (6,000) pads;
  • vertical text raised to level of map and now requires four lines of smaller font;
  • third line "Associated with ...." is in small text (as for 3A);
  • smaller size due to war-time paper restrictions;
  • font in heading is 3 mm high;

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-4A Sept. 1934 23 October 1937. R
  Sept. 1935 5/-/174. 4 February 1936 at C.T.O. Melbourne. R
DO-4B September 1937 (3,072) pads 5/-174 16 January 1939 at Melbourne. R
DO-4C July 1938 (3,000) pads 5/-174 6 November 1939 at Sydney. R
DO-4D June 1941 (6,000) pads 5/-174 30 November 1943 at C.T.O. Melbourne. R