Includes the Coburg Branch (Coburg and Preston) and the Flemington Branch (Flemington and Newmarket).
Two types of TELEGRAPH date stamps were issued to the office - both with the place name at the top and TELEGRAPH at the base:
17 January 1983. |
The Post Office opened on 15 December 1927. |
1. A rubber oval TELEGRAPH date stamp was used at Ashburton. Has separation stars between upper and lower inscriptions.
17 April 1964. Used on AA-DO-13A. |
2. A rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp with a different format was also used at Ashburton. The place name now includes the Postcode. This date stamp was unrecorded before 2017. Has separation stars between upper and lower inscriptions.
15 January 1973. Used on AA-DO-13D. |
Unknown date. |
The Post Office at Brighton East was renamed Bentleigh 23 March 1908. It was renamed Bentleigh East on 9 January 1928. A second Post Office was opened with the name Bentleigh when Bentleigh est was replaced on 9 January 1928. There is no record of the date of opening of the Telegraph Office. The Mechanics Institute at Moorabbin were however asking for Telegraph "similar to those existing at Bentleigh" in April 1909. |
The Telegraph Office was issued with 5 formats of date stamps between 1962 and 1987.
4 February 1963. |
16 June 1982. (Earliest recorded date). |
The Telegraph Office opened in November 1872. The Herald of 28 September 1871 reported "Notwithstanding that the Borough Council of Brighton has recommended to the Government the court-house reserve as the most suitable site for a Post and Telegraph Office, we are informed that a petition signed by upwards of 300 of the most influential residents, is about to be presented stating that the most convenient position is near the intersection of New and Bay Streets". |
A rectangular rubber TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RRH1-TO) was used at Brighton.
8 August 1988. Only recorded date. |
Two formats for rubber oval date stanps were also used at Brighton |
Used: 11 May 1943 on AW-DO-9 (42). Size: 28 × 48 mm (e = 0.87). Number in the Census: 1. |
Used: 28 December 1944 on AW-DO10 (43). Size: 27 × 46 mm (e = 0.87). Number in the Census: 3. |
The Post Office was established on 1 January 1855 and changed name to Broadmeadows West on 3 October 1955. |
A T.O. date stamp was issued to the office.
Three other TELEGRAPH date stamps were used at Broadmeadows.
19 January 1983. Probable archival strike. |
1 August 1986. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in August 1872. |
A two hole Belt & Buckle date stamp was issued to Brunswick:
An unusual (and unrecorded) rubber oval
Date incomplete. RO4-P&TO date stamp. Used in blue. |
Three formats of rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamps were issued: Has decorations at each end within the outer ovals.
12 December 1944. Used on AW-DO-10 (44). |
16 December (about 1944). Used on AW-DO-10B (7/43). |
12 December 1946. Used on AW-DO-10B (45). |
23 April 1949. Used on AW-DO-10B (46). |
23 April 1949. Used on AW-DO-10B (45 and 46). |
The Post Office was created by renaming Ballyshannassy about June 1879. |
The Office was issued with an oval TELEGRAPH date stamp (RO2 - T) for use with Telegraphic matters:
6 January 1972. Image by courtesy of Brian Sampson. |
The |
The Office was issued with a TELEGRAPH OFFICE rectangular date stamp (RRV - TO) which was used in violet.
Used on AW-GCF-54A. |
The Telegraph Office opened in February 1875. At the end of February 1882, the Postmaster-General asked the Minister of Works to call for tenders to erect a new Post and Telegraph Office at Carlton. On 11 May 1881, the Argus reported that "A deputation from Carlton waited upon the Postmaster General yesterday with respect of the new Post and Telegraph office at that place. A difference of opinion exists as to the most suitable site for the new building, the deputation urging that the new office should be in Princes Street as that was the geographical centre of the district. Mr Langridge said that he preferred the residents of Carlton settling the matter amongst their selves but, if they could not arrive at a settlement, he would personally visit the place and select the site. If they disagreed with his choice, they could then take a poll of the district or some other means to arrive at the views of the majority". |
Carlton was issued with a 1 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp.
1 September 1891. |
3 May 1892. Provenance: Hugh Freeman, Johnstone. |
A new discovery unlisted in the main sources including PMI and WWW is a TELEGRAPH OFFICE rectangular rubber date stamp
24 December 1957. Used on IAO-DO-2 together with the ERD for the Chief Telegraph Office rubber circular date stamp. |
Carlton North.
No special date stamp for use with telegraphs was issued to Carlton North.
Post Office date stamp.
11 July 1955. On AW-GC-54. |
Great to have birthdays on the same date each year AND to keep your telegrams. |
Carlton South.
A rubber Telegraph Office date stamp (RO6-TO) was issued to the Telegraph Office.
Used on AT-DO-15B. |
The Post Office opened on 1 September 1911.
The Telegraph Office was issued with a rectangular date stamp inscribed TELEGRAPH SECTION (RRH1-TS).
20 April 1979. |
The Telegraph Office opened in 1888(?)
Three rubber oval date TELEGRAPH OFFICE stamps were issued to Caulfield. All formats had CAULFIELD S.E.8 at the base.
24 March 1939. Used on AB-GBE-34Cb. |
3 October 1942. Used on AW-DO-9E. |
23 May 1950. Used on AW-DO-10B (48) with an International Telegram label (AW-LI-6A). |
Caulfield East.
The Post Office was originally opened as a Receiving Office on 6 December 1888 and was upgraded to a Post Office about 1902. On 1 February 1928 it changed name to Malvern East but changed back to Caulfield East on 1 October 1929. Four formats of rubber date stamps are known used at Caulfield East: |
7 May 1940 (only recorded example). |
23 April 1942 - see form below. Of the 6 known examples,all are used on Congratulations Ornamental form (AB-GCE-39C). One is dated as above (23 April) while the other five are dated 23 May 1942 and wish Edith Pollard of Waverley Road "Good luck and best wishes". |
Used on AW-GCF-54Ab. |
6 January 1977 on telegram piece. |
Caulfield East postal date stamp. $3.40 charges paid with stamps on a |
A rubber rectangular TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp Size: 25½ × 48 mm. Used: 17 April 1975 to 20 August 1985. Rated: RRR. Ni]umber in the Census: 3. |
Used on AA-DO-13D. |
20 August 1985 (latest recorded date). |
The Telegraph Office was issued with a rubber oval TELEGRAPH SECTION date stamp (RO2 - TS).
20 March 1971. Used on AA-DO-13D. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in August 1873 in the building occupied by the Post Office. The name of the office had been changed from Pentridge in 1870. A new building was announced in May 1889 - to replace the structure "which had given service for a quarter of a century". |
Coburg usual Post Office date stamp. 13 September 1939. Used on AB-GB-39. |
The Office was issued with four formats for rubber TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamps.
Used on AA-DO-13A. |
18 March 1983. |
No details available. |
Used on a AW-GCF-54 form to |
The Telegraph Office and the Post Office were opened on 1 August 1884 about 2.5 km east of the G.P.O. |
The office was issued with a 1 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp:
29 July 1889 (earliest recorded date). Only known complete cover with a Belt & Buckle cancelling a Stamp Statute. Provenance: Hugh Freeman, Johnstone. |
East Melbourne 1 hole Belt & Buckle used in black on a cover to Waverley. | 30 April 1890. Provenance: Max Watson, Johnstone. |
East Melbourne 1 hole Belt & Buckle used in black on an unaddressed Letter Card. | 19 February 1891. |
East Melbourne 1 hole Belt & Buckle used in black on an embossed Post Card sent to Germany. Belt & Buckle has the date 4 April 1892 - so six months after Victoria joined the UPU - see below. This is one of four recorded items sent to an overseas destination with a Belt & Buckle date stamp.
Tied with two strikes of the East Melbourne Belt & Buckle date stamp in blue. Note this card was sent just before Victoria joined the UPU - see below. This is one of four recorded items sent to an overseas destination with a Belt & Buckle date stamp. |
14 September 1891 - two strikes in blue. Same addressee as the previous Post Card. |
Torsten Weller noted that the 3d red postal card is inscribed "FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM VIA ITALY". It was sent to Germany and additionally franked with a 2d violet Naish and a 1d brown cut-out from a postal card to pay the 6d pre-UPU foreign ship latter rate. The concessional 2d or 3d postcard rates (depending on the route) only applied to cards sent to the United Kingdom. Postcard rates to other countries were not introduced until after Victoria joined the UPU in October 1891. Steig states (p.30) that "cards used during the correct period (prior to 1 October 1891) are very scarce. |
The new Post and Telegraph Office was opened on 11 September 1891 (12 months after tendering) by the Premier (Mr. Munro) because the Postmaster-General (Mr. Duffy) was sick. Amongst the speeches, a reference to "the federation question" on the grounds of it being "within the range of practical politics". In another speech, the local Member (Mr. Bent) indicated "he was pledged to support (the Women's Franchise Bill) but if women had a vote he would support the granting of two votes to men" (The Argus). | ||
Elsternwick was issued with two types of date stamp for use with telegraphic matters:
5 January 1972. Image by courtesy of Brian Sampson. |
Postal date stamps were also applied telegrams:
Standard Elsternwick date stamp (5 mm arcs). Diameter 28.5 mm. Applied (very late) to the two stamps in the 1900 Charity issue for the Patriotic Fund/Boer War. 22 September 1911. |
The Post Office opened on 31 March 1914. |
Three formats of a Post & Telegraph rubber date stamp were used at Elwood: | |
Used on AB-DO-8A. |
18 February 1932. |
2. RO6 - P&TO - ELWOOD.
24 October 1939. Used on a Birthday Greetings Telegram (AB-GBF-39A). |
11 May 1940. Used on a Mother's Day Greetings Telegram (AB-GE-34). |
3. RO6-P&TO - ELWOOD S3.
10 February 1942. Used on Birthday Greetings form AB-GBF-39B. |
On 9 March 1872, the Gazette listed the appointment of Mrs Aspinall as the Manager of the Electric Telegraph and Post Mistress at Emerald Hill. The Leader of 1 April 1876 reported "The establishment of telegraphic communication between the Melbourne Fire Brigade station and those of the suburbs, as recommended in The Age, has been initiated by the Town Council of Emerald Hill. On Wednesday they unanimously decided to adopt the suggestion and in the course of next week the necessary arrangements will probably bo completed". The name of the Office was changed to South Melbourne on 21 November 1883. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in August 1878 at the Railway Station. |
Essendon was issued with three types of date stamp for use with telegrams in addition to the usual postal date stamp which was also used on telegrams: | |||
13 December 1893. |
30 March 1894. |
19 February 1982. |
A Post Office rubber oval date stamp was also used on telegrams.
24 November 1939. Used on a 1954 Greetings telegram form AW-GSF-54C. |
The Office was reclassified as a Post Office on 4 April 1887 having been opened as a Receiving Office on 21 February 1887. Details of the Telegraph Office are not known. Fairfield is about 7 km NE of the GPO and between two of the branches of the NE Suburban lines. |
Four formats of rubber TELEGRAPH OFFICE rubber date stamps are recorded and they were issued from 1971.
2. oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE with Flinders 3078 postcode at the base (RO2-TO). |
The Telegraph Office was opened in September 1877. At the end of February 1882, the Postmaster General asked the Minister of Works to call for tenders to erect a new Post and Telegraph Office at Fitzroy. Fitzroy was issued with three formats of date stamps for use with telegrams: |
Used at Fitzroy 31 May 1893 on a Reply Paid Telegram delivery envelope (VC-ER-1). |
16 December 1891 (earliest recorded date). |
17 March 1894. Provenance: Hugh Freeman Johnstone. |
3 July 1896 (latest recorded date). |
9 August 1892. One of two strikes on the front of a cover sent to Newtown, Sydney. Cover is in poor condition unfortunately. |
9 February 1948 (earliest recorded date). Used on AW-DO-10 (1945). |
2 June 1948. Used on a delivery envelope to Leeds, England. |
17 September 1956. Used on AW-GC-54B. |
Fitzroy North. The Telegraph Office was opened in April 1879. |
Flemington. A Telegraph Office was opened at Flemington .. The Argus of 8 April 1879 reported some problems: "The Postmaster General was yesterday waited on by a deputation from Flemington on the subject of the local Post and Telegraph arrangements at Flemington. The Post Office has been kept by Mr. Brady grocer and the Telegraph Office by Mr. James Chemist. Wishing to amalgamate the offices, the Postmaster General called for a departmental report. This report stated that, pending the erection of suitable premises by the Government, a portion of Mr James' place which could accommodate both the Post and Telegraph offices could be rented for £52 per annum. Also that Mr James' place was more central than Mr Brady's. The deputation yesterday urged that Mr. Brady's services be retained and protested against the alleged proposed appointment of Miss James - daughter of Mr. James - as Post and Telegraph Mistress on the ground that she was "only a new chum". Mr Patterson said he had been informed that Miss James had been in Victoria before her recent arrival here and that she had studied hard to qualify herself for a position in the Department. He had determined to amalgamate the two offices and to rent for that purpose portion of Mr James' premises. The Department would examine Miss James with a view to ascertaining her qualifications. In the meantime, an officer from Melbourne would be placed in charge of the combined offices. Mr. Brady was not acquainted with telegraphy and his services would not be retained". |
The running of the Queen's Plate (now called the Queen Elizabeth Stakes) in 1865 was a special occasion at Flemington. The winner was Volunteer. The event had to be cancelled in 1864 and 1866. The Gippsland Times of 8 November 1865 reported as follows:
Report upon the Affairs of the Post Office and Telegraph Department for the Year 1880, p. 17. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in October 1873.
The Office was issued with three types of date stamp which were used with telegrams.
15 November 1893. |
Commercial Bank of Australia PSE postcard to Carlton with Footscray 2 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp applied in black. |
18 March 1982 - only recorded date. Date right justified. |
23 June 1988. D ate centered. |
Footscray West opened as a Post Office in December 1916 having been a Receiving Office since 15 April 1914. |
Two formats of rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamps were used:
Used on
AA-DO-13C. |
2 April 1987 (latest recorded date). |
The Telegraph Office
Three types of rubber TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamps were issued to Glenroy for use with telegrams.
6 May 1982 (only recorded date). |
A Telegraph Office was established at the important Hotel Victoria in August 1893. Discussion of the possiblility was raised in a letter to the Editor of the Argus of 15 October 1892 (p. 10):
The letter obviously struck a chord because, about 11 months later, the Argus of 2 September 1893 reported:
No further information about the operation or a date stamp to be used for telegraphic work is known. The Australasian of 8 September 1906 (on page 36) did include an article and a photograph of the hotel:
The Post & Telegraph Office appears to have closed in 1919. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in June 1875 while the combined Post and Telegraph Office was opened in July 1876. The Argus of 10 July 1876 described
The Office was issued with a 1 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp.
29 August 1887. |
The Telegraph Office was opened on 16 February 1875. The 1874 Annual Report noted "Poles have been extended from Hawthorn to Kew to which place a wire has been run." On 11 May 1881, the Argus reported that "The Postmaster General yesterday received a deputation from Kew with respect to the site of the new Post aud Telegraph offices at that place. They urged that land should be purchased for the new offices at the corner of Cotham road, near the Bull Inn that being the most central and convenient position. Mr Landridge said that he intended to purchase some land at that poiut for the new offices but as it was advisablo that the whole of the public offices should be together he suggested that the local authority should erect their new town hall and other public buildings on adjoining ground". The Lilydale Branch of the Melbourne NE line was constructed from Kew. |
Kew Post & Telegraph Office on the corner of Cotham Road. |
Kew was issued with two formats of a circular rubber TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp for use with Telegrams.
26 November 1979. Violet ink. |
23 April 1985. Magenta ink. |
29 June 1988. |
A straight line hand stamp KEW was also used on telegrams and delivery envelopes.
Used on AW-EU-8. |
The usual Post Office date stamp was also used on telegrams.
22 January 1960. Used on AA-DO-13B. |
An interesting event at Kew was reported in the Argus of 27 August 1878:
Malvern. The Telegraph Office was opened in January 1876. A test box at Malvern had significant responsibility for the Gippsland lines which either originated at Malvern or came from Oakleigh through that box at Malvern to Dandenong. |
The office was issued with an oval rubber date stamp (RO1 - TO).
24 February 1960. Used on a delivery window envelope. |
The office was issued with a circular rubber date stamp which was used with magenta ink.
18 May 1984. |
The Office was also issued with a rectangular rubber date stamp (RR1) with the only inscription apart from Malvern SE4 being VIC at the base.
15 September 1948. Used on AW-DO-10B (45). |
Moonee Ponds.
On 7 October 1887 "A deputation from the borough council of Essendon waited on the Postmaster-General and asked that a central post office and telegraph station should be erected on the public reserve, north of the Church of England, Moonee Ponds.
On 20 October 1888, the North Melbourne Advertiser reported:
By 1889, a decision still had not been made until the Department chose a site on the extreme west end of Puckle Street. A deputation of residents met to urge the decision to be reverse so that the new office might be in the main street (Mount Alexander Road) where it had been for the last 20 years. A new Post Office opened at Moonee Ponds on 3 March 1952 and it was intended to erect offices with similar designs at Brunswick West, Ascot Vale and Footscray West.
Two rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamps were issued to Moonee Ponds.
Used on AW-DO-10A (45). |
Used on AW-DO-10B (48). |
A Post Office was established as Moorabbin with a change of name from South Brighton on 17 May 1909. A Telegraph Office was established soon after at the Post Office. Telegraph Offices had opened at East and South Brighton in July 1892. In July 1909 the telegraph lines between Moorabbin and East St. Kilda were blown down in a storm and interrupted communications for several hours. |
A rectangular horizontal TELEGRAPH rubber date stamp (RRH1-T) was issued to the Telegraph Office. It was used with both black and violet ink.
Used on AW-DO-10A (51). |
Used on AW-GC-54B. |
The variations in the format of the letters in the date and the placement of the date show that the date was a separate hand-stamp.
Hence after the rectangular TELEGRAPH imprint had been made, the date would then have been added. |
Used on AW-GC-54B. |
Used on AW-GS-54A. |
Used on AW-GC-54B. |
The Telegraph Office at Niddrie was opened in ?? A rubber oval TELEGRAPH SECTION date stamp was used in violet.
19 February 1982. |
North Melbourne.
The Telegraph Office was opened at North Melbourne ... |
Three types of date stamp were issued to the Post & Telegraph Office.
3 January 1888 (earliest recorded date). |
15 July 1891. |
30 December 1940. |
5 April 1976. |
3 February 1982. Used on AT-DO-15B. |
See also Malcolm Fraser for a complement to this telegram from the Queen.. |
16 September 1891. |
16 September 1891. Detail above and complete cover to right. |
Scarce use of a Belt & Buckle date stamp used on a cover to an overseas destination (see also Kerang). |
Mossgreen March 2015, Lot 132. |
13 February 1894. Latest recorded date. |
Used on AB-DO-8H. |
Used on AA-DO-13D. |
A Receiving Office was opened about 1921. A Post (& Telegraph?) Office was opened on 11 October 1926. A Telegraph Office was opened at the Railway Station about 1910 when the Preston Reservoir Railway Station was renamed. That Office was closed on 24 August 1924. It may therefore have been merged with the Post Office. |
The Telegraph Office was issued with a rubber rectangular TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RRH1-TO).
22 September 1975. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in January 1872.
Richmond Post & Telegraph Office about 1880. |
Richmond was issued with three formats of date stamps for use with telegraphic matters:
Earliest recorded date for a black B&B at Richmond. |
11 April 1883. Earliest recorded date for a blue B&B at Richmond. |
Used on VC-DO-11C. |
12 January 1970. Used on AA-EO-18C (printed 1968). |
6 July 1971. Used on AA-EC-3A. Provenance: Gary Watson, Johnstone. |
Postal date stamps used on telegrams at Richmond - especially in the late 1870s. | 2 February 1880. Used on VC-DO-9. |
Richmond South.
The Telegraph Office was opened in April 1876. There was certainly some opposition to this office - in the Legislative Assembly on 8 March 1876, it was stated that
Richmond South was issued with a 1 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp. |
20 December 1892. Provenance: Hugh Freeman, Johnstone. |
The usual postal date stamp for Richmond South was also used on telegrams. | 23 May 1901. |
The Telegraph Office was opened |
An oval rubber TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RO2-TO) was issued to the Office.
15 April 1983. |
St. Kilda was issued with a 1 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp which was used in black.
29 June 1892. Provenance: Elsmore. |
15 June 1894. Provenance: Freeman.
18 August 1892. Rare combination of the Belt & Buckle on this scarce 10d Postage Due. |
1 hole Belt & Buckle complete strike in black on cover - one of only two recorded complete strikes. | 17 February 1891. Cover to Melbourne from St. Kilda. Prestige Philately Sale 173 (May 2012) Lot 730. |
Rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamps were issued much later in at least four formats:
Used on Congratulations form AB-GCF-39B. |
Used on AW-DO-10 (1943). |
Used on a delivery form AW-DO-10B (51) |
9 October 1958. Used on AW-GS-54A. |
Used on a delivery form AA-DO-13D with |
St. Kilda West. The Telegraph Office was opened in December 1878. |
The office was issued with two formats for date stamps used with telegraphic matters:
17 December 1886. (earliest recorded date). |
2 February 1894. (latest recorded date). Belt & Buckle date stamp was applied to the flap on the reverse side - probably as an arrival backstamp on a cover from England. |
Scarce usage of a Belt & Buckle date stamp on Stamp Duty stamps. | 28 September 1892. |
South Melbourne: 1 hole on 2/6 Stamp Duty. 20 December 1893. Provenance: Hugh Freeman, Johnstone. |
South Melbourne: 1 hole on 5/- Stamp Duty. 8 June 1893. Provenance: Hugh Freeman, Johnstone. |
Used in violet: 28 December 1983 (only recorded date). Size: 28 × 49 mm. Rated: RR.
28 December 1983. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in August 1872 after telegraphic communication had been established on 1 August. South Yarra was issued with three types of date stamp for use with telegraphs: |
2 March 1889 (earliest recorded date). Used on Telegram delivery envelope VC-EO-9. |
Telegraphic Message delivery envelope with the Belt & Buckle date stamp shown above. The date stamp is also known with three strikes on a cover to England 26 July 1893 (see Millennium December 2008 Sale 42, Lot 132). |
December 1937. |
9 June 1967. Used on AA-DO-13D. |
23 September 1974. Used on AT-DO-13D. |
27 September 1985. Used on AT-DO-15B. |
The Telegraph Office A rubber rectangular POST OFFICE TELEGRAPH date stamp (RRH1-T) was used at Sunshine - in two sizes.
15 April 1983. 28 × 38 mm. |
31 July 1985. 25 × 36 mm. |
The Office was issued with a rubber rectangular TELEGRAPH SECTION (RRH1-TS) date stamp:
13 November 1969. Used on AA-EO-18B. Provenance: Gary Watson, Johnstone. |
The Telegraph Office |
A rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp (RO2-TO) was issued to the office in two formats:
19 January 1983. |
13 February 1986. |
The Telegraph A 2 hole Belt & Buckle date stamp was issued to the office at Windsor.