The Federal Post and Telegraph Act of 1901 contained the following:
Urgent Telegrams. — Urgent telegrams will now be received for transmission to any part of the Commonwealth on payment of double the ordinary charge.
Delivery of Telegrams. — Telegrams are delivered free within a radius of one mile of the office, beyond that distance aud up to one and a half miles radius of the office, a charge of 3d is made. No responsibility, will be accepted for delivery beyond the 1½ mile radius.
The Department will make a charge of 1d per book of 100 telegraph forms. Persons who fill in their telegrams at the telegraph offices will get their forms for nothing, but will not be allowed to take any away.
Telegrams marked collect addressed to places within the Commonwealth may be accepted only when the sender is known by tbe officer in charge and signs an undertaking on a printed form that in the event of tbe addruaee refusingto pay the charges far tbe tflegrnm be or shewill 03 responsible for the payment of theamount and the cost of the telegram ol adviceof non-payment by the addressee.