New South Wales - Colonial period: 1858-1900.
Ordinary rate delivery form NC-DO-3.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No form number.
Has curved NEW SOUTH WALES ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH above the crest.
Message area: 9 lines of 5 boxes numbered at the left to 45.
Reverse side: Lines of 5 boxes numbered to 130 or to 135.
Colours (text & form): Black on grey.
Size of form overall: 230 × 218 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:


  • stock number 637 in top right corner;
  • front has 45 boxes numbered on the left side in 9 rows of 5;
  • reverse is number to 135 and there are no printed regulations.


Provenance: Dave Elsmore.

Melbourne to Albury
13 August 1873.


  • stock number St. 637 in the top right corner;
  • front has 45 boxes numbered on the left side in 9 rows of 5.
DO-3B rev NC-DO-3B (reverse).

The reverse side of the above form has 85 boxes in 17 rows of five which are numbered on the left side to 130.

Below the boxes are 10 REGULATIONS plus a note about the DELIVERY OF SPECIAL MESSAGES.

NC-DO-3 NC-DO-3Ca.

Ten Mile Creek to Albury
13 November 1873.


  • no stock number;
  • front is printed with boxes numbered to 45 and reverse has boxes to 130 plus regulations below the boxes (as for DO-3B).
No image presently available.



  • has stock number S 83 4 in top right corner;
  • Crest moved to right of ventre line.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-3B None 13 August 1873 at Albury. RR
DO-3Ca None 13 November 1873 at Albury. RR